Mike S. Miller

Mike S. Miller is a Native Hawaiian American comic book illustrator and writer, who has done work published by companies including Malibu Comics, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and Image Comics, as well as self-published work under the imprint Alias Enterprises. Some of his better known work is on DC's series.


Miller's early comics work includes inking issues of Freak Force for Malibu Comics in the early 1990s. His work for Marvel includes penciling issues of Wolverine and other X-Men titles in the late 1990s. His DC work includes penciling several issues of Adventures of Superman, JLA in 2000 and 2001, and his longest running series, .
He did pencil and ink work on the comics adaptation of George R. R. Martin's Hedge Knight series and Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time: New Spring.
Miller created and co-wrote The Imaginaries, which was published in 2005 by Image Comics, followed by a brief run in 2008 from Bluewater Productions.
His 2005 comic book series Deal with the Devil was optioned in 2008 by Lionsgate Films, but not produced.
Miller drew two webcomics on his site Comicstripclub: the slice-of-life video game webcomic Electronic Tigers, and RLC, a political series with a conservative viewpoint.
In the late 2010s he began producing his creator-owned Blacklist Universe, and solicited sales of Lonestar, the first book from it, through Indiegogo.

Personal life

Miller resides in San Diego, California.
