Mikhail Tsetlin

Mikhail Osipovich Tsetlin was a Russian poet, dramatist, novelist, memoirist, revolutionary and translator better known under his pen name Amari. In the late 1918, facing persecution by the Bolsheviks, Tsetlin left the Soviet Russia for France. In 1923, he founded Okno literary magazine, which published three issues and was later re-established by Tsetlin's distant relative, the poet Anatoly Kudryavitsky as a web-only journal after a lapse of some 83 years. In Paris, Tsetlin's home was open to Russian émigré artists, for whom he often provided. He earned respect as a philanthropist and a literary entrepreneur. In 1940 Tsetlin moved to the USA where he, together with Mark Aldanov, founded Novy Zhurnal magazine in 1942.
Mikhail Tsetlin is the author of five poetry collections, biographical prose and numerous translations, e.g. of poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Emile Verhaeren, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Hölderlin, Rainer Maria Rilke, Paul Valéry, Hayim Nahman Bialik, etc.