San Francisco de Milagro, Ecuador

San Francisco de Milagro is a city located in Guayas, Ecuador. It is the seat of Milagro Canton.
Milagro is the second largest city in the province of Guayas. As of the census of 2007, there were 180,103 people residing within the canton limits.
Denisse Robles, mayor, pledged to get a city railway station and to improve the coverage of Milagro's drinking water. She was elected the mayor of Milagro in 2014 with 38% of the vote, finishing ahead of the incumbent mayor Francisco Asan. Robles assumed office in May 2014, becoming the first female mayor of the city, and the youngest mayor in the country.
Francisco Asán Wonsang was re-elected mayor in 2019. He had previously served as Mayor of Milagro during two previous terms.
Sugar cane and pineapples are the most important produce.
