
Minhag is an accepted tradition or group of traditions in Judaism. A related concept, Nusach, refers to the traditional order and form of the prayers.


The Hebrew root N-H-G means primarily "to drive" or, by extension, "to conduct ".
The actual word minhag appears twice in the Hebrew Bible, both times in the same verse, and translated as "driving":
Homiletically, one could argue that the use of the word minhag in Jewish law reflects its Biblical Hebrew origins as "the driving ". Whereas Halakha, from the word for walking-path, means the path or road set for the journey, minhag, from the word for driving, means the manner people have developed themselves to travel down that path more quickly.
The present use of minhag for custom may have been influenced by the Arabic minhaj, though in current Islamic usage this term is used for the intellectual methodology of a scholar or school of thought rather than for the customs of a local or ethnic community.

Minhag and Jewish law

In addition to the 613 commandments, observant Jews consider halakha, Jewish law as derived from the Talmud, binding upon all Jews. In addition to these, there have always been customs. Some customs were universally adopted, or almost universally. Others are observed by major segments of Jewry but not by others. Other customs are bound to certain localities or groups that originated in certain localities.
These minhagim exist in various forms:
Various sources in rabbinic literature stress the importance of a long-held tradition, culminating in the statement "the minhag of our fathers is Torah". Custom can thus determine halachic practice in cases of disagreement among rabbinic authorities. In numerous instances, Rabbi Moses Isserles warns that one should not abolish long-held customs.
Despite the above, a minhag does not override clear biblical or talmudic enactments, and one may not transgress the latter for the sake of the former. In fact, any minhag that intrinsically involves an element of halakha violation is considered null and void.
The Talmud rules that a valid minhag accepted by previous generations of a family or community is binding upon all later generations. The Rosh states that the Talmud's ruling fundamentally applies to practices undertaken by learned individuals; innovations by the unlearned need only be followed publicly. Other halakhic authorities hold that the Talmud's ruling applies to all valid practices initiated by either learned or unlearned individuals.
In most cases, personal acceptance of a new minhag is tantamount to vowing performance of that minhag. Consequently, abandonment of such a minhag typically requires hatarat nedarim or sh'eilat chakham, halakhic procedures for absolving oneself from oaths. This was often necessary when, for example, an Ashkenazi Jew moved to the Ottoman Empire and wished to join the local Sephardi community.

Changing minhagim

Jewish law provides for a number of mechanisms to change or remove a custom when it is held to be mistaken or illogical. Orthodox rabbi and historian of Jewish law Menachem Elon writes:

Present day

The acute displacement brought about by World War II and the Holocaust, and the large-scale immigration to the United States, various European countries, and especially the State of Israel, have led to a "liberal mixing" of various minhagim, and arguably the falling into disuse of certain customs. In addition, the baal teshuva movement has created a large group who have no clear tradition from their parents. In response to these phenomena, certain scholars have focused on the minhagim, and attempts have been made to revive minhagim that have fallen into disuse.


Nusach primarily means "text" or "version", the correct wording of a religious text. Thus, the nusach tefillah is the text of the prayers, either generally or as used by a particular community. In common use nusach has come to signify the entire liturgical tradition of the community, including the musical rendition. It is narrower than minhag, which can refer to custom in any field, not necessarily that of communal prayer.
Both nusach and minhag can thus be used for liturgic rite or liturgic tradition though sometimes a nusach appears to be a subdivision of a minhag or vice versa; see different Jewish rites and popular siddurim under Siddur. In general one must pray according to one's "nusach of origin" unless one has formally joined a different community and accepted its minhag..
The main segments of traditional Judaism, as differentiated by nusach, are these: