Ministry of Higher Education (Soviet Union)

The Ministry of Higher Education was a government ministry in the Soviet Union.


The predecessor of the Ministry of Higher Education USSR, the Committee for Higher School Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars USSR, was established by decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, for the purpose of uniting and directing the administration of higher education in the USSR. The committee was also entrusted with the academic and methodological supervision of secondary special educational institutions.
The Presidium Supreme Soviet USSR, issued a ukase on 10 April 1946, "On the Reorganization of the Committee for Higher School Affairs Into the Union-Republic Ministry of Higher Education USSR". Despite the designation of union-republic, however, there are no equivalent Ministries of Higher Education in the RSFSR and the 15 union republics; in the various republics, higher educational affairs are handled by a main administration of higher educational institutions under the Ministry of Education of the republic.
In 1988 it was reorganized into the State Committee for Higher and Specialized Secondary Education.

List of ministers
