Mironivsky Hliboproduct

The Mironivsky Hliboproduct is the Ukraine's largest agricultural produce company, based in the small city of Myronivka, Kiev Oblast, with over 50% of the country's "industrially produced poultry".
The CEO is billionaire Yuriy Kosiuk.
Among its better known brands is its chicken "Nasha Ryaba" which is produced at Myronivka chicken farm in Stepantsi village, Kaniv Raion, Cherkasy Oblast. International brands include "Qualiko", "Ukrainian chicken", "Assilah", "Sultanah", and "Chateau Galicia".
MHP posted net profit in 2017 was $230 million, which was 3.3 times up from 2016.
In July 2019, the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition has allowed Myronivsky Hliboproduct to acquire Perutnina Ptuj.