Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Coolkyousinnjya. The series began serialization in Futabasha's Monthly Action magazine in May 2013, and is licensed in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment. Two spin-off manga, one by Mitsuhiro Kimura and the other by Ayami Kazama, are serialized in Monthly Action. An anime television series produced by Kyoto Animation aired in Japan between January and April 2017. A second anime season has been greenlit.
As office worker and programmer Kobayashi gets ready for work, she is greeted by a large dragon right outside her front door. The dragon immediately transforms into a human girl in a maid outfit, and introduces herself as Tohru. It turns out, that during a drunken excursion into the mountains the night before, Kobayashi had encountered the dragon, who claimed to have come from another world. Subsequently, Kobayashi had removed a holy sword from Tohru's back, earning her gratitude. With Tohru having no place to stay, Kobayashi offers to let the dragon stay at her home and become her personal maid, to which she agrees.Despite being efficient at housework, Tohru's unorthodox methods of housekeeping often end up scaring Kobayashi and bringing more trouble than help. Additionally, Tohru's presence attracts other dragons, gods, and mythical beings to her new home. One of these dragons, Kanna, shows up at Kobayashi's door, demanding that Kobayashi return Tohru to the other world. It is then revealed that she'd been exiled from the other world, and having nowhere else to stay, Kobayashi takes her in and becomes her guardian. As both Tohru and Kanna settle into the human world, Kobayashi starts to think of them as family.
;Kanna Kamui
;Elma; Lucoa
;Damocles, the Emperor of Demise
;Makoto Takiya;Riko Saikawa
;Georgie Saikawa
;Shouta Magatsuchi
began publishing the series in the first issue of Futabasha's Monthly Action magazine on 25 May 2013. Seven Seas Entertainment licensed the series in North America, and they released the first volume in October 2016. A spin-off manga illustrated by Mitsuhiro Kimura, titled Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Kanna's Daily Life, began serialization in Monthly Action on 24 December 2016. Seven Seas Entertainment also licensed the spin-off in North America. A second spin-off drawn by Ayami Kazama, titled Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Elma's Office Lady Diary, began serialization in Monthly Action on 25 August 2017. The second spin-off is also licensed by Seven Seas.;Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
;Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Kanna's Daily Life
;Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Elma's Office Lady Diary
The wraparound cover of the fourth volume of the series revealed that an anime television series adaptation had been greenlit. The series was directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto at Kyoto Animation and aired in Japan between 11 January and 6 April 2017. Yuka Yamada handled series composition, Miku Kadowaki designed the characters, Nobuaki Maruki served as chief animation director, and the music was composed by Masumi Itō. Crunchyroll simulcast the series as it aired while Funimation released an English dubbed version from 1 February 2017. An original video animation episode was released on the seventh Blu-ray/DVD compilation volume on 20 September 2017. The opening theme is "Aozora no Rhapsody" by Fhána, and the ending theme is "Ishukan Communication" by Yūki Kuwahara, Maria Naganawa, Minami Takahashi, and Yūki Takada. Madman Entertainment will import Funimation's release into Australia and New Zealand. A second season was announced with the release of the eighth manga volume in early 2019, but its status is unknown following the death of Yasuhiro Takemoto in the Kyoto Animation arson attack.English title Japanese title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date |