Misters of Puerto Rico

"Mister Puerto Rico" is the common name or sash used to identify a Puerto Rican representative in an international male beauty pageant. It is an annual male pageant held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Currently, Mister Puerto Rico Model and Mister Puerto Rico Teenager are the most important male beauty pageant event. Each year both events are held to select the representatives from the island.

Misters of Puerto Rico

Misters of Puerto Rico, is considered the largest, most important and prestigious event of fashion and male beauty in Puerto Rico. Sixteen-year history, this event has consolidated as a solid local and international prestige. The aim of Mister Puerto Rico is presenting a series of exhibitions and workshop development for the Puerto Rican male. The organization Misters of Puerto Rico aims to develop personal and professional growth of modern man.


Candidates Misters of Puerto Rico, live an enriching and learning experience, focusing on charitable causes and events of great significance in Puerto Rico. All activities promote the growth of the candidate to the "Final Competition":

Mister Puerto Rico Model

Mister Puerto Rico Teenager

Mister Latin Model Puerto Rico

Mister Teen Model Puerto Rico

Mister International Puerto Rico