Misty Plowright

Misty Plowright was one of the first two openly transgender people in the United States to become a candidate representing a major political party for a national office, the other being Misty Snow. She was the first openly transgender candidate to win a major party primary for the Congress. She won the Democratic primary vote in Colorado and went on to challenge Republican Doug Lamborn's five-term Congressional seat representing Colorado's 5th congressional district in the November 8, 2016 United States House of Representatives elections. Lamborn won the election on November 8, 2016.

Early life and career

Plowright was born in California, and at the age of four moved to northwest Arkansas where she was raised as a Southern Baptist. She is a U.S. Army veteran. She served as an Information Systems Operator/Analyst from 2003 to 2004. After sustaining a non-combat injury, she was discharged honorably. She currently works in information technology.

Personal life

Plowright lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with her wife, Lisa. The couple entered a domestic partnership in Seattle in 2010. After changes in legislation, they were legally married in 2014.

Election results

In an election against Incumbent Doug Lamborn and Libertarian Candidate Mike McRedmond, Plowright lost having earned 111,676 votes, 30.9% of the total cast. Republican Incumbent Doug Lamborn was re-elected with 225,445 votes 62.3%.