
In molecular biology, MobiDB is a curated biological database designed to offer a centralized resource for annotations of intrinsic protein disorder. Protein disorder is a structural feature characterizing a large number of proteins with prominent members known as intrinsically unstructured proteins. The database features three levels of annotation: manually curated, indirect and predicted. By combining different data sources of protein disorder into a consensus annotation, MobiDB aims at giving the best possible picture of the "disorder landscape" of a given protein of interest.

MobiDB data sources

Curated data and additional annotation

Curated data for MobiDB is obtained from DisProt database giving information and disorder annotation manually extracted from literature. In order to complement disorder annotation, MobiDB features additional annotations from external sources:
A great variety of intrinsic protein disorder predictors have been trained in the last decade. The bulk of them are trained to mimic the nature of the annotations previously described. Since MobiDB currently covers the full set of UniProt sequences, the included predictors need to be extremely fast. Ten predictors currently included enable MobiDB to provide disorder annotations for every protein, even when no curated or indirect data is available.

MobiDB consensus

In order to provide the best possible annotation for a given protein, MobiDB combines all its data sources into a consensus annotation. This annotation differs from the ones belonging to the sources themselves in that it features a third state, in addition to "structured" and "disordered": when two authoritative sources disagree, it displays the region as "ambiguous". With the currently available annotations, this conflict arises when a manually curated source annotates a certain region as disordered, and yet there is a PDB structure available for that same region.


MobiDB website provides users with an interface to search by UniProt ID, protein name or free text. Following the submission, users are presented with a list of proteins each one annotated with disorder information integrated from various sources including consensus disorder prediction.
MobiDB web-server exposes some RESTful endpoints allowing programmatic access to MobiDB and retrieval of different data types. Available GET routes provide access to UniProt, STRING, Pfam and disorder data in JSON format.