Module Marketplace

In the field of industrial control systems, Module Marketplace is an online store, similar in concept to: the iTunes Store or Google Play for the SCADA software industry. Inductive Automation opened it on March 4, 2013.


The Module Marketplace is designed for the users and developers of the Ignition integrated development platform. All modules are developed using the Ignition software development kit. Some modules are free while others are for sale. The Marketplace contains both Inductive Automation and third-party modules for Ignition software.

Media response

Early reviews compared the Module Marketplace to the Apple iTunes store, indicated that it was disruptive and that it removed proprietary boundaries among SCADA software producers.

Market structure

Developers set their own pricing models in the marketplace, with 70% of the revenue going to the developer and 30% going to Inductive Automation.
Al1 modules are required to be submitted for validation to Inductive Automation to test for stability, compatibility and memory leaks. Upon validation, the module is digitally signed by Inductive Automation and may be uploaded to the Module Marketplace. All modules are required to include a free user re-settable 2-hour trial version.