Mogollon Monster

In Arizona folklore, the Mogollon Monster is a creature said to dwell in central and eastern Arizona along the Mogollon Rim.
Reports of footprints, video, and hair samples have been documented by enthusiasts. Mainstream biologists remain skeptical to the existence of such a creature.


Physical characteristics

The Mogollon Monster is reported to be a bipedal humanoid, over 7 feet tall, with inhuman strength, and large eyes that some claim to be "wild and red". Its body is said to be covered with long black or reddish brown hair, with the exclusion of the chest, face, hands and feet. Reports claim it has a strong and pungent odor described as that of "dead fish, a skunk with bad body odor, decaying peat moss and the musk of a snapping turtle".


Stories say the creature is nocturnal, omnivorous, very territorial and sometimes very violent. It is generally reported to: walk with wide, inhuman strides; leave behind footprints measuring 22 inches in length; mimic birds, coyotes and other wildlife; emit unusual whistle sounds; explore campsites after dark; build "nests" out of pine needles, twigs, and leaves; and hurl stones from locations that are hidden from view. The creature has also been said to decapitate deer and other wildlife prior to consumption. In numerous reports, the monster has been said to emit a "blood-curdling" scream; described as sounding like a woman in "great distress". Accounts of the creature regularly describe an "eerie silence prior to the encounter, an appreciable stillness in the woods that commonly surrounds predatory animals."

Reported sightings

Reported sightings range along Arizona's Mogollon Rim, from Prescott north to Williams, southeast to Alpine, south to Clifton, and northwest back to Prescott.
Professor emeritus of biology, Stan Lindstedt, of Northern Arizona University, dismisses the idea that a large humanoid creature would remain hidden in such a large area of the country. "I put that in the category of mythology that can certainly make our culture interesting, but has nothing to do with science."
Generally the scientific community attributes creature sightings to either hoaxes or misidentification. As recently as the early 1930s, grizzly bears roamed the forests of Arizona. These may account for the early day sightings while other large mammals such as black bears, mountain lions and elk may account for the sightings of today.

Appearances in local legend

The Mogollon Monster is a topic in folklore collections, guides on "local color", and works of fiction, including the following:
The myth also lives on musically in the work of Dolan Ellis. Years ago, Dolan used a song named "Mongollon Monster" in a campaign against littering, especially in the wilderness areas of Arizona, claiming that the monster targeted those who carelessly littered in its territory.