Mohamed Sudqi Ayyash

Mohamed Sudqi Ayyash wrote the words for the Bahraini National Anthem Bahrainona used from Bahrain's independence in 1971 until 2002, when they were changed as a result of the country becoming an emirate.

Lyrics by Mohammed Sudqi Ayyash

بحرينناBaḥraynunaOur Bahrain
بلد الأمانBaladolamanCountry of security
وطن الكرامWatanol kiramNation of hospitality
يحمي حماها أميرنا الهمامYahmi Hi maha Amirunal HomamProtected by our courageous Amir
قامت على هدي الرسالة والعدالة والسلامQamatala Hadyelresalate Wal Adalati Wal Salam!Founded on the principles of the Message, Justice and Peace
عاشت دولة البحرينAshat Dawlatol BahrainLong live the State of Bahrain