
In revision control systems, a monorepo is a software development strategy where code for many projects is stored in the same repository. some forms of this software engineering practice were over a decade old, but the general concept had only recently been named. Many attempts have been made to differentiate between monolithic applications and other, newer forms of monorepos.
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, Airbnb and Twitter all employ very large monorepos with varying strategies to scale build systems and version control software with a large volume of code and daily changes.


There are a number of potential advantages to a monorepo over individual repositories:
Companies with large projects have come across hurdles with monorepos, specifically concerning build tools and version control systems. Google's monorepo, speculated to be the largest in the world, meets the classification of an ultra-large-scale system and must handle tens of thousands of contributions every day in a repository over 80 terabytes large.

Scaling version control software

Companies using or switching to existing version control software found that software could not efficiently handle the amount of data required for a large monorepo. Facebook and Microsoft chose to contribute to or fork existing version control software Mercurial and Git respectively, while Google eventually created their own version control system.
For more than ten years, Google had relied on Perforce hosted on a single machine. In 2005 Google's build servers could get locked up to 10 minutes at a time. Google improved this to 30 seconds - 1 minute in 2010. Due to scaling issues, Google eventually developed its own in-house distributed version control system dubbed Piper.
Facebook ran into performance issues with the version control system Mercurial and made upstream contributions to the client, and in January 2014 made it faster than a competing solution in Git.
In March 2014 Microsoft announced that it switched over to using Git for its monorepo. In the transition, Microsoft made substantial upstream contributions to the Git client to remove unnecessary file access and improve handling of large files with Virtual File System for Git.

Scaling build software

Few build tools work well in a monorepo, and flows where builds and continuous integration testing of the entire repository are performed upon check-in will cause performance problems. Directed graph builds systems like Buck, Bazel, Pants and Please solve this by compartmentalizing builds and tests to the active area of development.
Twitter began development of Pants in 2011, as both Facebook's Buck and Google's Bazel were closed-source at the time. Twitter open-sourced Pants in 2012 under the Apache 2.0 License.
Please, a Go-based build system, was developed in 2016 by Thought Machine who was also inspired by Google's Bazel and dissatisfied with Facebook's Buck.
Bazel, Buck, Pants and Please, all use the same build language, a domain-specific language based on Python.
Some specialized monorepo build tools such as Lerna, solve fetching of duplicate dependencies, but lack any directed graph capabilities.