Monster Force

Monster Force is a 13-episode animated television series created in 1994 by Universal Cartoon Studios and Canadian studio Lacewood Productions. The story is set in approximately 2020 and centers on a group of teenagers who, with help of high tech weaponry, fight off against classic Universal Monsters and spiritual beings threatening humanity. Some of the crew have personal vendettas, while others fight for mankind out of a sense of altruism. The series aired in syndication alongside another Universal animated series, Exosquad. Universal Studios Home Entertainment released the first seven episodes to DVD on September 15, 2009.


In the distant future, six college students and their professor have formed the Monster Force, a squad dedicated to keeping the world safe from the likes of Dracula, The Mummy and an evil legion of criminals known as the creatures of the night.


The "good guys" bear the name of "Monster Force" and are led by Dr. Reed Crawley. Creatures of the Night represent the "bad guys".

Monster Force

A young yet brilliant scientist who is also the main tactician and strategist of the team. He has once been Dracula's captive and since then vowed to end his reign of terror. Apparently, he is the inventor of the entire cutting-edge weaponry and equipment used by Monster Force. One of his most brilliant inventions is the EMACS or simply power suit, which allows normal humans to fight superhuman dark powers at the same level.
The only werewolf in the team and the only one who doesn't utilize high-tech devices invented by Doc. He is actually a good-natured young man affected by lycanthropy, which has been the curse of his family for generations. During the full moon, when he cannot control the curse, his teammates have to restrain him but otherwise his Wolfman form makes him nearly invincible in a monster-to-monster fight.
He's apparently descended from Lawrence Talbot, the original wolfman.
A man of action and a self-confident optimist who enjoys fighting itself. A martial arts specialist, when aided by his power suit he becomes even more powerful and deadly. He also possesses a special technique called Storm Strike. His motto: "One monster at a time!"
The long-range weapon specialist of the team since his power suit contains the greatest amount of firepower and is capable of shooting beams of cold, heat, electricity, as well as other elements. In the normal life, he is a modest, rather shy but always good-spirited and curious young man.
The infiltration and intelligence specialist of the team. She is the only female member of Monster Force, as well as the only one whose power suit enables her to fly above the ground. However, she had to sacrifice most of her power suit's firepower for this ability. She is also capable of limited telepathy. Apparently, one of her family members has been killed by Dracula.
Her name is a play off Mary Shelley, author of the novel Frankenstein.
The same monster that was created by Victor Frankenstein in the novel under the same name. However, in the series he is with the "good guys" and is a member of Monster Force. He possesses incredible strength and endurance as well as extremely resilient skin. Moreover, once killed, he can be resurrected if approximately 20 kV is applied to his body. Frankenstein has some familial ties to Shelley Frank.

Creatures of the Night