Monster By Mistake! is a Canadian CGI-animated series that aired on YTV from October 26, 1996 to March 23, 2003. The series was created by Mark Mayerson of Catapult Productions, and co-produced with CCI Entertainment in Toronto, Canada. The two companies partnered in Studio 345, a computer animation and former Sears catalogue production facility for the production of the show, which was made using Houdini software.
Warren Patterson is the protagonist of the show who turns into the titular blue monster whenever he sneezes after having been accidentally cursed by Gorgool’s jewel.
Tracy Patterson is Warren's supportive older sister who practices witchcraft after receiving Gorgool's book.
Johnny B. Dead is a wise-cracking, trumpet-playing ghost who assists the siblings in their misadventures and secretly lives in the Pattersons' attic.
Recurring characters
Roz and Tom Patterson are the parents of Warren and Tracy. They are unaware of most things.
Aunt Dolores is Warren and Tracy's aunt, a crabby and stuck-up, but serious and well-meaning police officer and the older sister of Tom Patterson. She has a vendetta against the monster, unaware of it being her nephew.
Billy Castleman is an overweight, mean school bully who often ridicules Warren.
Gorgool is a sorcerer and the would-be ruler of Fenrath, who is trapped in a ball. He intends to steal the Jewel of Fenrath and the Book of Spells with his servant, but fails in every attempt.
The Servant is the dim-witted servant of Gorgool. He carries Gorgool around and follows Gorgool's every command. His real name is never mentioned.
Wesley Whiffington III is a kid who appears in Season Two. Especially to Warren and Tracy, he's a spoiled brat who never not gets things his way. He is also interested in adult projects such as business and moviemaking.
Miranda Bell is a girl who said she became a scientist at age six, and likes to say her brain weighs eight pounds
Morgool is Gorgool's twin brother, and the ruler of Fenrath. Unlike Gorgool, he isn't trapped within a ball and is far more dangerous and evil than his twin. It’s believed that Morgool’s unable to control anyone who’s far more superior than him, like the monster, and his jealousy and greed for the throne resulted in Gorgool’s confinement to the glass ball.
Ms. Gish is the teacher who is involved with most episodes in Season One.
Kragon is a guard working for Morgool in Fenrath, and always helps his master in his schemes, mainly capturing the monster, but fails in every attempt. Kragon's home region is Gorem Range.
Red is an orphan from Fenrath who becomes friends with Warren and Tracy. She is always up for adventure and kicking bad guy butt.
Freddie Mitchell and Corum are friends of Warren's. Freddie loves to tell jokes and play soccer. Connor's hobbies include pogo jumping, playing the piano and video games.
The first episode aired on September 6, 1999, and the last episode aired on March 23, 2003. To date, 52 episodes have been produced in three seasons.
As of 2020, 29 out of the 52 episodes have been uploaded to the official Monster By Mistake youtube channel, with prior to January 2019, a new episode being uploaded every Thursday. Currently, the channel has stopped on episode 29. It is unknown if the channel will continue to upload episodes. All 52 episodes were previously available on Amazon Primein America only.