Montiaceae are a family of flowering plants, comprising about 14 genera with about 230 known species, ranging from herbaceous plants to shrubs. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution.
The family Montiaceae was newly adopted in the APG III system and includes members of the Caryophyllales formerly listed in Portulacaceae.Genera
- Calandrinia Kunth
- Calyptridium Nutt.
- Cistanthe Spach
- Claytonia L.
- Hectorella Hook.f.
- Lenzia Phil.
- Lewisia Pursh
- Lewisiopsis Govaerts
- Lyallia Hook.f.
- Montia L.
- Montiopsis Kuntze
- Parakeelya Hershk.
- Phemeranthus Raf.
- Schreiteria Carolin