Mooryati Soedibyo

Mooryati Soedibyo, also known as Hj. DR. BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo, S.S., M. Hum., is a member of Indonesian Highest Royal Family - Monarch of Surakarta Sunanate, president director of Mustika Ratu and the Vice Chairman II of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, also serving as the national director of Indonesia for franchise of Miss Universe Indonesia as known as Puteri Indonesia Org., which hold the license of Indonesian representative at Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Supranational. She's also ranked number 7 on the list of the 99 most influential women in Indonesia 2007 by the Globe Asia magazine. Mooryati Soedibyo was recorded by MURI-Indonesian World Records Museum as the winner of the oldest doctorate in Indonesia, and as "Empu Jamu".

Personal life

A member of a Javanese royal family, she was born in Surakarta, Central Java and grew up in the palace of Surakarta Sunanate. She learned about herbal medicine and traditional Javanese cosmetics from her grandmother; the traditional knowledge preserved by the royal family is considered to be superior to that known by the common people. Soedibyo received a bachelor's degree in English literature from the Indonesia Open University, a master's degree in English literature from the Sebelas Maret University and a PhD in strategic management from the School of Economics at the University of Indonesia. In 1956, she married Soedibyo Purbo Hadiningrat.
The granddaughter of Sri Susuhunan Pakoe Boewono X Surakarta Sunanate is famous for everything related to beauty, traditional herbal medicine, and palace environment]. Since the age of 3 years he lived in the Surakarta Palace which is known as a cultural source of Java. In the palace, she received a traditional education that emphasized manners, classical dance, karawitan, batik, saliro ngadi busono, knowing nutritious plants, concocting herbs, and traditional cosmetics from natural ingredients, Javanese literary language, songs with mocopat style, Old Javanese script, and other arts.
In 1973, the hobby of drinking herbal medicine Mooryati Soedibyo, which had been done since she was young, finally developed as a business. The concoction of the recipe for Surakarta Sunanate which was originally given to his friends, finally turned into a business. Its products began to be exported to approximately 20 countries, including Russia, the Netherlands, Japan, South Africa, the Middle East, Malaysia and Brunei. The product also developed into 800 products, ranging from toddlers, general, super, and premium. Starting with a product for parents up to the teenage daughter.
Soedibyo founded the cosmetics company :id:Mustika Ruti|Mustika Ratu in 1975. The company also operates its own spa resorts. In 2002, she was named Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young Indonesia,
She has served as a member of the Regional Representative Council and as a member and vice chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly.
In 1990, Soedibyo became the national director of Indonesia with the acquisition of the license, Puteri Indonesia pageant.
In 2016, she published an autobiography Menerobos Tradisi Memasuki Dunia Baru, The Untold Story.