Moosa Bin Shamsher

Moosa Bin Shamsher is a Bangladeshi businessman and the chairman and CEO of DATCO Group. In 2015, he claimed to have a net worth of roughly US$12 billion.


Moosa founded DATCO, a manpower recruitment firm. Moosa claims to be an international arms dealer who made billions of dollars trading arms in the 1970s and 1980s. He claims that he accumulated $10 billion from trading in tanks, fighters jets, ICBMs, and power brokerages. He also claimed that he has around $7 billion in Swiss bank accounts that have been frozen due to irregular transactions. Moosa stated in 2019 that he wanted to bring over €20 billion to Bangladesh, including money that he earned doing business with Adnan Khashoggi.

Partnership with Adnan Khashoggi

In an article written by Moosa, he claims that he was a close friend and business partner of the Saudi international arms-dealer Adnan Khashoggi. According to him they regularly worked together in brokering deals and traded arms mainly in Africa. Moosa stated in 2019 that when Adnan Khashoggi died in 2017, he left Moosa billions of dollars in his will. A Zambian news outlet reported in 2018 that before the demise of Adnan Khashoggi, Khashoggi spoke to Moosa on the phone and let Moosa in on many game-changing military secrets, known only to a few elite individuals in the world. The report also stated that Moosa claimed Khashoggi instructed him to do everything possible to bring peace between North Korea and the United States.


DATCO group

Formed in 1975, Shamsher's business DATCO is now primarily engaged in the export of labour in the form of migrant rural farmers from Bangladesh to the booming construction industries in the Middle East.

Offering donation

During the UK 1997 general election it was reported that Moosa offered the Labour Party and Tony Blair ₤5 million campaign donation. Although the party declined the donation the offer itself received a lot of media attention.

Brokering peace between Trump and Kim Jong-un

Moosa claims that the historic 2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit, where Donald Trump had a meeting with Kim Jong-un, was brokered by him. A Zambian news outlet reported that Moosa enlisted the help of Paul Manafort Jr. and sent a hand-written letter to Donald Trump advising him to back-off from his standoff with North Korea. He claims that he wrote similar letters to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Prime Minister of Shinzo Abe of Japan, and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. In the news report, Moosa stated that he helped bring peace between the United States and North Korea because prior to Adnan Khashoggi's death, Moosa spoke to him on the phone and he told Moosa about North Korea's nuclear missiles and extreme military power. Moosa states that a confrontation with North Korea would result in a Third World War, which had to be prevented at any cost.

Personal life

Moosa is married to Kaniz Fatema and has 2 sons and 1 daughter with her. His two sons, Bobby Hajjaj and Zubi Moosa are both lawyers. His daughter is married to Sheikh Fazle Fahim, the son of Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim. Moosa is fluent in Bengali, English, and Urdu.