Moreux (crater)

Moreux is a crater in the Ismenius Lacus quadrangle on Mars with a diameter of 138 kilometers. It is located at 42.1° north latitude and 315.6° west longitude and was named by IAU's Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature after Theophile Moreux, a French astronomer and meteorologist.


Moreux Crater's appearance has been shaped by the action of glaciers. Recent research, using a variety of images from various cameras, discovered extensive glacial modification of the surfaces of Moreux Crater's rim, wall, and central peak. These changes were caused by the emplacement of ice-rich material when the climate underwent major changes. The picture from HiRISE below shows possible kettles in Moreux Crater.
Impact craters generally have a rim with ejecta around them, in contrast volcanic craters usually do not have a rim or ejecta deposits. As craters get larger they usually have a central peak. The peak is caused by a rebound of the crater floor following the impact. Sometimes craters expose layers that were buried. Rocks from deep underground are tossed onto the surface. Hence, craters can show us what lies deep under the surface.
