
Mortel is a French-produced supernatural television series. The plot revolves around three teenagers, two of whom have acquired superpowers after making a deal with a supernatural being in order to solve a murder. The show premiered on Netflix on 21 November 2019. In January 2020, Netflix announced that the series had been renewed for a second season.


Two teenagers, Sofiane and Victor, make a pact with a voodoo god Obé to allow them solve and avenge the apparent murder of Sofiane's brother, Reda. Sofiane is given the power by Obé to manipulate other people's actions, while Victor can read their minds. Both however must be present near each other for their powers to work. They also enlist the help of Luisa, who practices voodoo with her grandmother, so they may be free of the grip that Obé has on them and banish Obé from the world.

Cast and characters

The show received a mixed reception from the critics.
GQ magazine, despite some reservation about its special effect, praised the skill of the story-telling, the acting of the principal actors, as well as the soundtracks. It considered the show to be the best French series since the launch of Netflix and deserving of a second season. Télérama was highly critical, considering the series more laughable than a hit, and its music failed to hide its stylistic flaws. Premiere thought the series veered awkwardly between teen drama and its supernatural elements but was nevertheless successful stylistically. Based only on its first episode, the Decider found the series to be too muddled to continue watching a second episode.