Most Promising Young Actress

Most Promising Young Actress is a 2000 French comedy film, directed by Gérard Jugnot.


Yvon Rance, hairdresser by vocation, in the small town of Cancale, have one student daughter Laetitia, he wants to make her a successful hairdresser. She would open a salon in Laval or Quimper. But Laetitia wants to make films, she secretly auditioned and was selected for the leading role. Not easy to break the news to her father who shows rather unpleasant and, as soon as he heard the news, trying by all means to prevent his daughter to make films. Yvon, which nevertheless wants happiness of his daughter, finally agrees to take her on location in Paris, but never stays away, always suspecting Stéphane Leroy, the writer and director of the film, to shoot with Laetitia disturbing sequences.
