Mother Goose and Grimm (TV series)

Mother Goose and Grimm, also known as Grimmy for the second season, is an American animated television series that premiered September 14, 1991, on CBS. The show features the characters of Mike Peters's comic strip Mother Goose and Grimm. The Saturday morning cartoon was produced by Bob Curtis, and written by Mark Evanier.


  1. Puppy Love Story / Brotherhood of Ham
  2. Expensive Taste / Lassie Swim Home
  3. Funny Business / The Boogie Man
  4. Grimm Encounter / The Grocery Grabber
  5. Ham Alone / Sheep Thrills
  6. Hero Worship / Search for Soap
  7. The Fur Flies / It's a Flea Country
  8. Bone of Contention / Sweeper Creeper
  9. The Wickedest Witch / Motel Mutt
  10. Pussycat Pooch / Open All Night
  11. Getaway Grimmy / Tail of a Puppet
  12. The Egg and Us / Hyde and Go Seek
  13. Trash Night Trouble / Mirror Monster


Charles Solomon of the Los Angeles Times praised the series for "preserving the look" of the comic strip, and for " a good sense of the characters' personalities". However, Solomon was disappointed with the "flat timing and pedestrian direction" of the program.