Motijheel Model High School and College

Motijheel Model School and College is a model school in Bangladesh.


MMSC was founded in 1980 by the late Md. Abul Kashem, late Md.Atiar Rahaman and late Mesbah Uddin Sabu. The school has two branches: the main branch is situated beside Kamalapur Railway Station and the second branch is situated beside Basabo Fly-over. The college has only one branch, in Motijheel.

Number of students

Is only 6000

Motijheel Model Science Club (MMSC)

Motijheel Model Science Club started its journey in 1999, but due to some problems it was stopped. In 2007 some previous students rebuilt the club. The members of M.M.S.C achieved 15 prizes from various science fair in 2013 and also 39 prizes in 2014. On 31 January 2014 an intra house science fair competition was arranged successfully.
The achievement of M.M.S.C from various science fair:
2013→ 15 prizes
2014→ 39 prizes
2015→ 41 prizes

Motijheel Model Debating Society (MMDS)

Motiijheel Model Debating Club started its journey in 1980. But due to some problems it was stopped. But again in 2009 some previous students met hands to rebuild this club and arranged an inter house debating competition. Then again in 2011 and 2013 the next two inter house competitions has been arranged. The club has also gained success by doing debates outside.

Main branch

Motijheel Model School and College is situated in Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. In the main branch, there are the grades started from class one now.