Mount Ryōzen

Mount Ryōzen is a mountain on the border of Sōma City and the former town of Ryōzen, in Date City, Fukushima. It is in height. Along the hiking trail are the sites of what were Ryōzen Temple and Ryōzen Castle. The mountain is listed as one of the 100 Landscapes of Japan in a contest sponsored by the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun and Osaka Mainichi Shimbun. It is also a national Place of Scenic Beauty as determined by the Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan and is noted for its autumn foliage and a National Historic Site of Japan.

The mountain

Mount Ryōzen is part of the basalt volcanic plateau known as the Abukuma Highlands in northern Fukushima. It was regarded as a sacred mountain and was once known as a center for the Shugendō mountain religion.


Ryōzen Temple

In the first year of the Jōgan Era, Ennin, a Buddhist monk of the Tendai sect founded the temple Ryōzen-ji. The name Ryōzen was adapted from that of Mount Ryojusen in India. The temple was burnt down in the wars of the Nanboku-chō period, but the Date clan restored the temple during the late Sengoku period. It was restored again in the early days of the Edo period.

Ryōzen Castle

Acting in support of the Southern Court, Kitabatake Akiie fortified the temple of Ryōzen-ji and turned it into his residence, which he proclaimed to be Ryōzen Castle. Acting as governor of the province of Mutsu, he proclaimed it to be the provincial capital. Kitabatake Akiie received the support of the 7th hereditary chieftain of the Date clan, Date Yukitomo against the forces of the Northern Court led by Ashikaga Takauji. In 1337 he led a campaign south, waging battle several times before he was killed on May 22, 1338 at the age of 21. Ryōzen Castle remained for nine years after Akiie's death, before it was destroyed by the Northern Court's army. The site was excavated in 1980, with a large amount of artifacts discovered, including Seto ware pottery and coins from Sung dynasty China. The site was designated a National Historic Site of Japan in 1934.

Hiking Trail


Hōjudai is the point at the top of the cliff that stands upright from the foot of the mountain. From this point, one can see the Abukuma and Azuma Mountain Ranges.


From the bottom of the valley, Kokushisawa seems to stand at a nearly perfect right angle. There are ladders to reach this point on the trail.

Tengu no Sumō Jō

The "tengu sumo wrestling hall" is a rock protruding towards the West with a flat surface the size of eight tatami mats. It is said that tengu prefer this spot for wrestling.


Gomadan is the entrance to the area that was once the site of Ryōzen Castle. There is a low hanging rock to pass under before arriving at a large flat area where it is believed that Buddhist rituals were once performed.


There is a restroom in the parking lot before the entrance to the main trail as well as one at the peak of the mountain, at the site of Ryōzen Castle.
Below the parking lot is Ryōzen's Kōsaikan.


The entrance to the main path up the mountain is located in a parking lot connected to the Nakamura Highway and the Central Tohoku Expressway. It is about 45 minutes from the Kunimi Inter-change on the Central Tohoku Expressway. It is also about fifty minutes from the Fukushima-Iizaka IC, or thirty minutes by taxi from the local Abukuma Express Line's Hobara Station.
Start of Mountain Climbing SeasonApril 29th
Cherry blossom viewing periodLate April
Azaela viewing periodEarly May
New green leavesMid-May
Autumn leavesLate Oct - Early Nov
First snowfallMid-Dec
Snow thawingLate March