Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church and Asbury House

Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church and Asbury House is a historic United Methodist church located at Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It is a Norman-Gothic-style church that was completed in 1872. It was designed by Thomas Dixon, a Baltimore architect and is built of blocks of a unique metabasalt, a green-toned Maryland fieldstone, with brownstone ornamentation. It features three spires.
Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church and Asbury House was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. It is located in the Mount Vernon Place Historic District.
Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church should not be confused with another church of the same name in Washington, DC, which served as the national representative congregation for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South from 1850 to 1939.
Architects Niernsee & Neilson are indicated as having association with the site.