Mozilla Composer

Mozilla Composer is the free and open-source HTML editor and web authoring module of the Mozilla Application Suite. It is used to create and to edit web pages, e-mail, and text documents easily. It is compatible with Windows, macOS and Linux. Composer is a graphical WYSIWYG HTML editor. One also can view, write and edit HTML source code with Composer.
Linspire sponsored development of Nvu, a stand-alone version of Mozilla Composer which incorporates Cascading Style Sheets support and other improvements from software company .
Daniel Glazman, the lead developer of Nvu, announced on September 15, 2006 that he had stopped official development on Nvu and that he was developing a successor as a project. It is written from scratch and based on Mozilla trunk Gecko 1.9 and XULRunner. PHP and CSS would be supported. A community-driven fork, KompoZer, maintains Nvu codebase and fixes bugs until a successor to Nvu is released. Glazman's project is called BlueGriffon.
SeaMonkey, the community-driven successor to Mozilla Suite, includes an HTML editor named Composer that is developed from the Mozilla Composer code contained in the original Mozilla Suite.