Muddling Through

Muddling Through is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from July 9, 1994 to September 7, 1994. The series starred Stephanie Hodge as an ex-convict trying to turn her life around, but is now perhaps better remembered for being the series which Jennifer Aniston completed just before her star-making role on Friends began. Friends debuted just two weeks after Muddling Through aired its final episode, with one episode remaining left unaired.


Connie Drego was an ex-con paroled after serving three years in prison for shooting her cheating husband, Sonny, in the buttocks. Connie returned home to work at Drego's Oasis, the family's diner/motel in rural Michigan. Others in the cast were Madeline, Connie's oldest daughter who was married to Duane Cooper, the cop who arrested Connie and whose testimony led to her conviction, and Kerri, Connie's youngest daughter.


