Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa

Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa is a Saudi Arabian politician, Secretary General of the Muslim World League, President of the International Islamic Halal Organization, and former Minister of Justice.
Al-Issa is considered a leading global voice on moderate Islam as well as a key figure in the fight to combat extremist ideology. Religious leaders and government officials alike have commended Al-Issa for his efforts to promote moderation, and cooperation and coexistence among all people.
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York and an influential member of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, referred to Al-Issa as the "most eloquent spokesperson in the Islamic world for reconciliation and friendship among the religions of the world." In a historic meeting with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell Nelson stated to Al-Issa, “You are a peacemaker. You are a bridge builder. And we need more leaders like you.” The American Jewish Committee has called Al-Issa “the most powerful voice in the Muslim world promoting moderate Islam.” Elan Carr, current U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, said Al-Issa "has chosen a future of tolerance and affection, where Jews and Christians can be embraced by their Muslim brethren.”

Early life and education

Al-Issa was born in Riyadh on 10 June 1965. He obtained a bachelor of arts degree in Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence at Imam Muhammad bin Saud University. He holds a master of arts degree and PhD in Comparative Judicial Studies as well as in Studies in General Law and Constitutional Law from Imam Muhammad bin Saud University.


After graduation, Al-Issa began to work at Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University as a faculty member. He became vice president to the board of grievances in 2007, and he served there until 2009. He was appointed Minister of Justice to the Saudi cabinet on 14 February 2009 in a major cabinet reshuffle, replacing Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Sheikh. Al Sheikh had been in office since 1992. The appointment of Al-Issa as Minister of Justice was part of King Abdullah's reform initiatives.
Since Al-issa left the Board of Grievance; the executions have increased in the kingdom, from 69 in 2010 to 158 in 2015 - Saudi courts are affiliated with the Board of Grievances and do not belong to the Ministry of Justice ديوان المظالم |.
Al-Issa was appointed Secretary General of the Muslim World League on 4 August 2016.
Notices and Facts: after Al-issa had left the board of grievances the number of human rights violations had increased; in 2011 was the beheading of Amina Nasser, a Saudi Arabian woman accused and convicted of "witchcraft and sorcery", and the imprisonment of Raif Badawi, a Saudi Arabian activist sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes in 2014 for starting an online forum for social and political debate.


Issa argued in a lecture at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh in 2012 that Salafism is only an approach and that it should not be viewed as Islam. He further emphasized that Salafi approach is moderate and that it means following and obeying the ancestors’ belief and values in regard to the understanding of Islam.
Issa acknowledges the horror of the Holocaust and denounced the efforts of Holocaust denial. He advocates for Muslim immigrants to Western countries to integrate socially, in contrast to Wahhabi ideology. In January 2020, Issa led a delegation of Islamic scholars to visit Srebrenica in Bosnia, and the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, during the 75th anniversary of its liberation. In a speech on how Muslims and Jews can work together, Al-Issa stated that the Muslim World League is proud to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with the Jewish community to build better understanding, respect and harmony.
Issa is opposed to Political Islam, saying that it does not reflect the true values of Islam and prevents assimilation of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries.

Awards and Recognitions

Since taking over the Muslim World League in 2016, Dr. Al-Issa has received a number of awards and recognitions from a wide range of prominent international institutions and government officials.