Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, also known as Unismuh Makassar, is a private university in eastern Indonesia. As a private university, Unismuh Makassar is coordinated under Kopertis Wilayah IX, which is a government-funded institution that coordinates private higher education in Indonesia.
Unismuh Makassar was founded on 19 June 1963 as a branch of Unismuh Jakarta. The establishment of the university was the result of the 21st meeting of Muhammadiyah Organization of South and South-East Sulawesi Chapters conducted in Bantaeng. As of 1 October 1965, Unismuh Makassar was officially declared as a registered private university. Initially, Unismuh Makassar only had two faculties: the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and the Faculty of Tarbiyah. As these two faculties were developed, branches were opened in other parts of the South Sulawesi islands, each of which are self-sufficient and under their own management. Following the success of Faculty of Education, other faculties were set up, including the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Faculty of Economic Study, Faculty of Technique, Faculty of Agriculture, Postgraduate Study Program, and Postgraduate Teaching Certificate Program.
Unismuh Makassar has three campuses at different locations. The main building is located in the south of Makassar, and is built on of land. The university has more than 14,000 students studying different subjects.
Mission statement
The mission statements of University of Muhammadiyah Makassar are:
Increasing faith and religious devotion
Increasing teaching and learning quality
Increasing innovative, excellent and competitive research activities
Preparing students to become a religious and professional scholar
Creating, developing and spreading science, technology and arts, to promote Islam, and to increase the prosperity of the society
Academic system
The University of Muhammadiyah Makassar provides higher education, research activities, and community services based on Islamic conduct with an emphasis on student self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship. The characteristics of the academics at the university is courses on Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyaan, with the aim of preparing a religious scholar. The courses offered consist of academic education and professional education. The former involves a first and second degree while the latter covers diploma program. The new academic year starts early in September and ends in June of the following year and is divided into two semesters. Each semester provides 16 active weeks of lectures, seminars, symposia, discussion, workshop, practicum and other scientific activities. The academic administration implements a system of semester credit. Although the curriculum used follows the National Curriculum, it also covers local content set up by the rector. The evaluation and assessment of learning progress is conducted periodically through written examinations, assignments, and observations following an applicable regulation.
The academic staff of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar consists of full-time and part-time lecturers, about 215 altogether. Fourteen of them hold a doctoral degree, 110 have a master's degree, and the rest of them hold a qualified first degree.
To support academic activities, the following facilities and services are provided:
Learning and teaching classes in several buildings
Offices for administration services
Computer and internet rooms
Language laboratory
Microteaching room
Sport and art arena
The University of Muhammadiyah Makassar has worked closely with many organizations nationally and internationally. The following are the organizations that had bilateral relationships with this university during 2005:
Department of National Education
Technology Application and Research Bureau
Science Institution of Indonesia
Marine Partnership Forum of South Sulawesi
Technology Institution of Bandung Telecommunication