Muhyi al-Dīn al-Maghribī

Muḥyī al‐Milla wa al‐Dīn Yaḥyā Abū ʿAbdallāh ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī al‐Shukr al‐Maghribī al‐Andalusī was an Andalusī astronomer, astrologer and mathematician of the Islamic Golden Age. He belonged to the group of astronomers associated with the Maragheh observatory, most notably Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. In astronomy, Ibn Abi al-Shukr carried out a large‐scale project of systematic planetary observations, which led to the development of several new astronomical parameters.
He died in Maragheh in modern-day Iran in June 1283 CE.



His known works on astronomy include:
Ibn Abī al‐Shukr's astrological works were mainly devoted to horoscopes and planetary conjunctions used to tell the future.


Muhyi al-Din is most known for his works in trigonometry, Book on the theorem of Menelaus, Treatise on the calculation of sines. He is also known for his commentaries on classic Greek mathematical works, in particular, his commentary on Book XV of Elements about measurements of the regular polyhedra. His writings on trigonometry "contain certain original elements".