Mullo (vampire)

Mullo is an undead, revenant, or vampire of Roma folklore. 'Mullo' means 'one who is dead'.
A mullo is created when a person dies suddenly of some unnatural cause or the person did not have proper funeral rites. A mullo is described as having white clothes, hair that reaches to their feet, and one physical oddity. A mullo's existence is in seeking out people it did not like in life and harassing that person.
Mullo are believed to return and do malicious things and/or attack by strangling and suck the blood of a person.
To get rid of a vampire people would hire a Dhampir to detect the vampire. To ward off vampires, Romani people drove steel or iron needles into a corpse's heart and placed bits of steel in the mouth, over the eyes, ears and between the fingers at the time of burial. They also placed hawthorn in the corpse's sock or drove a hawthorn stake through the legs. Further measures included driving stakes into the grave, pouring boiling water over it, decapitating the corpse, or burning it.