Mum (TV series)

Mum is a British sitcom written by Stefan Golaszewski centred around recently widowed, suburban 59-year-old Cathy and her family, following her husband's death. Each episode is named after a calendar month in the year, except series three which is set over just one week. The series features Cathy's supportive lifelong friend Michael, and her family: son Jason and his girlfriend Kelly, Cathy's brother Derek and his new partner Pauline, and Cathy's in-laws.
In October 2017, it was recommissioned for a second and third series. The second series premiered on 20 February 2018. Lisa McGrillis revealed that the third series would be the last. The third series premiered on 15 May 2019.


Series 1 (2016)

Series 2 (2018)

In June 2016, the BBC announced that a second series had been commissioned.

Series 3 (2019)


The interior shots of Cathy's house for both Series 1 and 2 were filmed at West London Film Studios.


Internationally, the series premiered on BBC First on 11 October 2016. The series premiered in New Zealand on TVNZ 1 on 20 July 2016. The U.S. premiere was 1 July 2018 on PBS. Series 3 was shown on BBC2 on Wednesday nights starting 15 May 2019, although all six episodes of the series were released at once on BBC iPlayer on the same night as the first episode.

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