
Muranotrichea is a class of free-living anaerobic ciliates, that, together with the classes Parablepharismea and Armophorea, form a major clade of obligate anaerobes within the SAL group.
Muranotrichea are medium to large, elongated holotrichous ciliates with contractile body and somatic ciliature composed of dikinetids. Their oral ciliature includes an elongated key-hole shaped peristome, an adoral zone of membranelles spiraling rightward around distinctly neck-like anterior body part; and heteromorphic paroral membrane. They inhabit micro-oxic marine to brackish sediments and host prokaryotic ectosymbionts and endosymbionts.
The class contains a single order Muranotrichida and family Muranotrichidae.
Muranotrichidae include two species, Muranothrix gubernata and Thigmothrix strigosa.