Musanga cecropioides

Musanga cecropioides, the African corkwood tree or umbrella tree, is found in tropical Africa from Sierra Leone south to Angola and east to Uganda. It is typical in secondary forests.
This tree is also known as parasolier, n'govoge, govwi, doe, kombo-kombo, musanga, and musanda.


Musanga cecropioides can reach a height of with a diameter of. Its trunk has a pale whitish/yellow tone with a rough, granular texture.


Musanga cecropioides is a pioneer species and readily springs up in newly cleared patches of forest. In Nigeria it is joined in these locations by the poison devil's-pepper, the Ivory Coast almond and the dragon's blood tree. Five years later, M. cecropioides has become dominant, with a closed canopy at


Uses of the wood from the African corkwood tree range from flotation devices, such as rafts, to toys. The wood of the African corkwood tree has a frail concreteness and has a tendency to mold and tarnish easily. The tree has traditional medical uses among the Bantu peoples of the Central African Republic, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.
