Musashi Junior and Senior High School

Musashi Junior & Senior High School is a privately owned school for boys based in Nerima, Tokyo, Japan.


The school was founded in 1922 by prominent industrialist Nezu Kaichirō, as Musashi High School. The school was one of the first institutions of its type to use a seven-year system of education, taking students up to the equivalent of the first two years of university under the current system of education. Musashi became a prototype for the modern integrated junior and senior high schools that now prevails throughout Japan. After the education reforms of 1948, the school was divided into Musashi Senior High School and Musashi Junior High School. Musashi University was founded in 1949 and forms part of the same legal entity.


The school operates a highly selective admissions program attracting students from across the city. Graduates have been successful in gaining admission to many of Japan's most selective universities. The school is unusual in the fact that it has few written rules and has no uniform or required dress code; reflecting one of the school's founding principles being that it aims to produce graduates that are "individuals", "capable of independent thought and research."
All students start learning a second foreign language in junior high school in addition to English.
The school shares a number of library and campus sporting facilities with Musashi University.

Notable alumni