Music Technology Group

The Music Technology Group is a research group of the of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. It was founded in 1994 by its current director, Xavier Serra, and it specializes in sound and music computing research.

Ongoing research

The research of the MTG is quite close to the core of the Sound and Music Computing interdisciplinariety; combining strengths in basic disciplines, such as Signal Processing, Machine Learning and Human Computer Interaction while being able to apply other disciplines/technologies in order to approach music related application-driven problems. Current active topics include:
The MTG is very active in educational activities within the UPF and in collaboration with the ESMUC. Here is a list of the main academic degrees in which the researchers of the MTG are involved with
Apart from the standard academic results in the form of academic publications and teaching, one of the major aims of the MTG is to promote technology transfer. To that aim the MTG collaborates with companies like Yamaha or Microsoft Research to develop new technologies, it promotes artistic productions through the , it has created three spin-off companies to commercialize some of the developed technologies, , , and and it has developed and maintains technologies that are available online for anyone, like . Some of the developed technologies have had a big impact, like Vocaloid, Reactable or Freesound.

Relevant current projects

Of the current research project being carried out at the MTG it is worth mentioning: