Mut Wind Farm

The Mut Wind Farm is a wind power plant consisting of eleven wind turbines situated on Mt. Magras at Özlü village in Mut district of Mersin Province in southern Turkey. The wind farm went into service in 2010.


The farm is constructed on Mount Magras, a part of Toros Mountains range to the north of Mut district in Mersin Province. Mount Magras is actually the top of a canyon to the south of Göksu River valley and the town of Göksu. The wind turbines are erected just to the northeast of the village Özlü and the farm is sometimes called the Özlü Wind Farm.

Technical details

There are eleven turbines each high with rotor diameter of. Maximum power output of each turbine is 3 MW and the total annual energy production is about 100 MWh. The energy is fed to Gezende Dam situated about southwest of Mut wind farm.


The US$50 million project was carried out by Ağaoğlu Energy Group, and it is further planned to increase the number of turbines to 40.