Mysterious Joker

Mysterious Joker is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hideyasu Takahashi. The series was originally published as a one-shot, then later began serialization in Shogakukan's Bessatsu Corocoro Comic Special, Corocoro Comic, and Corocoro Dragon manga magazines. An anime adaptation produced by Asatsu DK and animated by Shin-Ei Animation has aired in Japan since October 6, 2014. The series follows the adventures of a thief named Joker, who goes around the world stealing treasures with his apprentice Hachi, while avoiding traps set by the police.


;Joker / Jack Jones
;Spade / King
;Diamond Queen
;Silver Heart
;Dark Eye / Ai
;Dogusaburō Oniyama
;Ginko Kurosaki
;Momo Shirai
;Professor Clover
;Lady Doubt
;Shadow Joker / Cyan
;Mister Kaneari
;DJ Peacock



Written and illustrated by Hideyasu Takahashi, the Mysterious Joker manga began as a one-shot. It was later serialized in Shogakukan's Bessatsu Corocoro Comic Special, then moved to Corocoro Comic. The chapters were collected into 26 tankōbon volumes, which were released under Shogakukan's Tentōmushi Corocoro Comics imprint in Japan, from March 28, 2008 to September 15, 2017.


An anime adaptation produced by Asatsu DK, animated by Shin-Ei Animation, written by Dai Satō, and directed by Yukiyo Teramoto aired in Japan on Tokyo MX from October 6, 2014 to January 5, 2015. The series has also aired on Kids Station since October 16, 2014. The series was simulcasted by Crunchyroll under the title Joker. The series' opening theme is "Kaitō Miracle Shōnen Boy" by Aruka Rider, and the ending theme is "Parade Illusion" by Mainya, with the Shuffle Sisters. The music in the series is composed by Yūsaku Tsuchiya. The February 2015 issue of Bessatsu Corocoro Comic announced that the series has been green-lit for a second season, which will premiere in April 2015. The second 2015 issue of CoroCoro announced that the second season will premiere on April 6, 2015. A 3rd season will premiere in April 2016. A 4th TV season will air in October 2016. An official English dub of the series premiered on Disney XD Asia on August 6, 2016.

Video games

A Nintendo 3DS video game based on the series entitled Kaitō Joker: Toki o Koeru Kaitō to Ushinawareta Hōseki was developed by Bandai Namco Games and released on June 25, 2015 in Japan.


The series was awarded the 58th Shogakukan Manga Award in the Children's Category.
The series has received generally positive reviews, with praise for its art style, characters and unorthodox mix of light-hearted elements with dark undertones, but criticism of its pacing.