N-56 (pressure group)

N-56 is an independent Scottish business pressure group established by Dan Macdonald in 2014. N-56 aims to provide a new locus for Scotland’s business community to work with government and others to ensure Scotland attains a position among the top five advanced economies in the world.
N-56 derives its name from Scotland’s coordinates. The World Atlas Latitude & Longitude coordinates of Scotland are 56.49067119999999 N, 4.2026458000000275 W.
N-56 launched its main analysis report, Scotland Means Business, in June 2014. The report was published as two documents: the FACTS and the STRATEGY. It was prepared over 15 months by a research team that included BiGGAR ECONOMICS, Tulloch Energy, Capital Economics, Landfall Strategy Group and Damvad.
Throughout 2014 N-56 will launch a series of sector-specific reports examining the Scottish economy and its future direction in the areas of infrastructure, financial services and oil and gas.