NCL Eclipse

NCL Eclipse is a plugin for Eclipse IDE aiming at supporting the development of Nested Context Language applications. NCL is the declarative standard language for ISDB-Tb and also is ITU-T standard for IPTV systems. NCL Eclipse was first developed by and it is currently jointly maintained by and Labs.
NCL Eclipse is free software, available at under GNU GPLv2 license.
As an Eclipse IDE plug-in NCL Eclipse can be easily integrated with others plug-ins---for instance, those supporting other ISDB-Tb and ITU-T standard languages.

NCL Eclipse Historical Evolution

NCL Eclipse 1.0

The first stable version of NCL Eclipse was named "NCL Eclipse 1.0". This version has included support to syntax highlighting, folding, wizards to create simple documents, auto-formatting, document, marking error validation, contextual content suggestion and an outline view. To provide the marking error validation, all NCL Eclipse versions uses the NCL Validator. This first version was very well accepted by the community of NCL developers, which gave several feedbacks. The NCL Eclipse evolution is strongly based on these feedbacks.

NCL Eclipse 1.4

The NCL Eclipse 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 have focused mainly on fixing bugs from the previous version. The next big changes came with 1.4 version of NCL Eclipse. That version brings program visualization, media previews and hypertext navigation. Additionally, a new plug-in aimed to integrate NCL Eclipse with NCL Club was included in the same package. As pointed out before, the integration with NCL Club allows for beginners to start learning NCL based on real-world examples. The internationalization support for English, Spanish and Portuguese was also included in this version.

NCL Eclipse 1.5

The latest stable, and current version, is "NCL Eclipse 1.5". This version contains some improvements in source code. As new feature, this version came with support to semi-automatic error correction and option to run the NCL document, provided by a virtual machine running the Ginga-NCL emulator.