NEVOD is a neutrino detector and cosmic ray experiment that attempts to detect Cherenkov radiation arising from interactions between water and charged particles. It represents the first attempt to perform such measurements at the Earth's surface; it is because of this surface deployment that the experiment is also able to investigate cosmic rays. NEVOD is situated at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
The term NEVOD experimental complex is used of the experimental complex built around the original water Cherenkov detector for the study of cosmic rays; as of 2018, the experimental complex consists of: the Cherenkov water detector, a coordinate-tracking detector DECOR, an array of scintillation detectors forming the calibration telescopes system CTS, and PRISMA array of thermal neutron detectors. As of 2018, the experimental complex is being expanded by three new cosmic ray detectors: NEVOD-EAS, URAN and TREK. Part of the new detectors are under operation.
The experimental complex used to also have a muon hodoscope URAGAN which was operational in 2016 and years prior. Current status of URAGAN is unknown.


As described by its inventors, NEVOD consists of a water reservoir measuring into which is placed a spatial lattice of quasi-spherical detector modules to record Cherenkov radiation from any direction. The dimensions of reservoir make it possible to arrange up to 241 QSMs.
The quasi-spherical modules are, in fact, not spherical, but consist of an array of 6 photomultiplier tubes arranged along the primary axes of the device. The arrangement of the PMTs is such that the response of the PMT is dependent only on the intensity of the incident radiation, but not on its angle of incidence, rendering the entire detector "quasi-spherical".


NEVOD started operations in 1994 and was described in a journal in 1995, and has since been used both for primary research and for educational purposes. Since the start of NEVOD experiment's operation, many detectors have been added to the original Cherenkov detector, becoming the NEVOD experimental complex. Also the Cherenkov detector has been upgraded many times. One upgrade of the experimental complex was discussed in 2015-2016..
As of 2018, the NEVOD experimental complex is operational.