NIAD Art Center

NIAD Art Center is a nonprofit arts organization, based in Richmond, CA, that provides studios, supplies, and gallery space to artists with developmental, mental, and physical disabilities.


NIAD, which stands for the National Institute of Art & Disabilities, is a 4,000 sq. ft. art studio in Richmond, California. NIAD works with 60 artists every week, up to 35 daily. Some of the artists have physical disabilities; while others have developmental disabilities, and others have both. The artists enrolled at NIAD work with teachers, who instruct them in 5 different mediums: painting, fiber, ceramics, making art from paper, and printmaking.
In addition to the studio space for artists, NIAD Art Center has an exhibition space where they present programming featuring the artists attending the center.
NIAD Art Center has a budget of around $600,000, as of 2012, a third of which is raised through donations and sales.

Past and present artists