NPO Zappelin Extra

NPO Zappelin Extra is a digital theme TV channel jointly operated by AVROTROS, EO, KRO-NCRV, NTR and VPRO. The TV channel launched as Zappelin 24 on 30 May 2009. It broadcasts replays and broadcasts from NPO Zapp and NPO Zappelin, via the cable and internet. The TV channel is part of the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep. On 10 March 2014, Z@ppelin / Z@pp 24 changed its name into NPO Zapp Xtra.
NPO Zapp Xtra became a 24-hour channel on 25 December 2018 and was renamed NPO Zappelin Extra. NPO Zapp Xtra used to time-share with NPO 1 Extra until 25 December 2018 and has since taken over the former frequency of the defunct channel, NPO 3 Extra.

Current Programing