Naše Věc

Naše Věc was a Czech hip hop band, active from 1997 to 2006.


Naše Věc started making Hip Hop music in Brno, Czech Republic, in 1997. Their originating members, Dup X, Scissal, Plgál, and Číňan, were doing freestyles and demos. In 1998, only Dup X and Scissal stayed aboard, working on a new demo with Kaluža, a young female MC. After her retirement in 1999, there were new members who made this group famous. Psicho, 2Jay, Apoka, Drone and in 2000, DJ Opia completed the group and started working on their first album, Blázni jsou ti.... Their second album, Hořký menu, which included guests DJ Nneser, Tafrob, Kolpa, Janek and El Mariz, became very popular. They starred at Hip Hop Kemp for three times. Their shows were full of motion, five mc's mostly at the same time on the stage, guesting DJs, MC's and groups mainly from Brno turned their concerts unforgettably wild.


Naše Věc split up in 2006, however, the majority of its members are still active. Apoka released his solo album Kodex Orthodox. Scissal raps with Kolpa as 4021 on album Grand Trix, with their DJs, 1210 Symphony. 1210 Symphony are DJ Nneser and DJ Diskotek, 2008 World IDA Finalists. Dup X is active in XProduction and together with Apoka and Drone guested on Tafrob's album Sup.
