Naranjo (canton)

Naranjo is the sixth canton in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 45,005.
The capital city of the canton is also called Naranjo.


The Río Grande forms the western and southern boundaries of the canton. The Río Espino is on the north, and the Río Colorado and Río Molino establish the eastern border.


The canton of Naranjo is subdivided into eight districts :
  1. Naranjo
  2. San Miguel
  3. San José
  4. Cirrí Sur
  5. San Jerónimo
  6. San Juan
  7. El Rosario
  8. Palmitos


The canton was established by a decree of March 9, 1886. It is named for the citrus plantations found in the area.