Naseeby We Esmetak is an Egyptian drama series that aired on the 23rd of January 2016 on CBC Drama, starring Egyptian star Hani Salama alongside the well-known Nicole Saba, Sherin Adel, Mai Selim and Ahmed Fahmy. Naseeby We Esmetak consists of separate episodes that are unrelated to the preceding three, which are based around the 15 themes of the show that covers marital issues and societal complications; as well as how to overcome them. The format of the series is that every theme would be covered within three episodes, trios, where the first episode would be an introduction of a certain issue, the second episode would be the climax of events and finally, the third episode would be the solution and the ending of the issue. The series follows this format to keep the audience entertained where they feel that every three episodes are a different series on their own, and if they're not interested in an issue then all they have to do is simply await the next three episodes series in which may be about a topic that interests them. There are three directors who work on the show to further create a sense of variety and creativity within each trio of episodes. The directors include Ali Idrees, Attia Amin and Mustafa Fikri. However, Ali Idrees had to draw back from directing the series as he got busy with directing the movie 'The Other Land'. The series was intended to be aired during the holy month of Ramadan 2015, but due to the withdrawal of director Ali Idrees the series was delayed till after Ramadan, and was aired in January 2016.
Naseeby We Esmetak doesn't have a set story line due to its changing nature of having a different plot every three episodes, but the main theme of the series revolves around the relationship between a married couple and the differences that they may encounter as well as societal issues that occur nowadays. Hani Salama plays the protagonist in every episode whereas the wife and other characters involved would be swapped with different actors throughout the episodes. The plot of every episode tends to be smooth and straight to the point so, for example, for a particular trio of episodes Hani Salam would be playing the rich handsome husband or he could be the poor, hard-working one. The stories tend to have a balanced sense of unfortunate and satisfactory endings.
The series was shot during mid February 2015 and was aired in January 2016. The series is made up of one season with 45 episodes. The names of the episodes are as follows: