
Nashim is the third order of the Mishnah containing family law. Of the six orders of the Mishnah, it is the shortest.
Nashim consists of seven tractates:
  1. Yevamot deals with the Jewish law of yibbum and other topics such as the status of minors. It consists of 16 chapters.
  2. Ketubot deals with the ketubah, as well as topics such as virginity, droit du seigneur and the obligations of a couple towards each other. It consists of 13 chapters.
  3. Nedarim deals with various types of vows often known as nedarim and their legal consequences. It consists of 11 chapters.
  4. Nazir deals with the details of the Nazirite vow and being a Nazirite. It consists of 9 chapters.
  5. Sotah deals with the ritual of the sotah, the woman suspected of adultery as well as other rituals involving a spoken formula. It consists of nine chapters.
  6. Gittin: deals with the concepts of divorces and other documents. It consists of 9 chapters.
  7. Kiddushin: deals with the initial stage of marriage – betrothal, as well as the laws of Jewish lineages. It consists of 4 chapters.

    Order of tractates

The traditional reasoning for the order of tractates according to Maimonides is as follows:
Both the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds have a Gemara on each of the tractates in the order.