Nasi gurih

Nasi gurih is an Indonesian steamed rice cooked in coconut milk and spices dish originally from Aceh, Indonesia.


Nasi gurih literally means "succulent rice" in Aceh language and Indonesian. The name describes the rich taste of rice cooked with coconut milk and spices.


Nasi gurih is made by cooking mixture of rice and sticky rice soaked in coconut milk instead of water, along with salt, lemongrass, Indian bay leaf, and pandan leaves to add aroma.

Side dishes

Nasi gurih sold in Acehnese warung or other eating establishments are commonly offered with assortment of side dishes, chosen according to client's desire. Basic ingredient sprinkled upon nasi gurih are fried peanuts, bawang goreng, tauco, sambal and krupuk. Side dishes are ikan balado, udang sambal, ayam goreng, dendeng and perkedel''.


There are similar dishes in other parts of Indonesia called nasi uduk from Jakarta and nasi lemak, commonly found in Riau and Riau islands, also Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore.