Nathan Hill

Nathan John Hill is an Australian actor, writer, producer and director. Having gained success with his films The Strange Game of Hyde and Seek, Tomboys and Model Behaviour , his film opened the Australian Film Festival, he is a Shriekfest finalist and California Film Award winner. He has written multiple feature film screenplays and won awards for his filmmaking across the globe.


Born in Melbourne, Hill comes from an entertainment family. His greatest creative influence was his maternal grandfather who was a maker of home movies, a musician, and a performer in the Entertainment Corps in the Second World War in New Guinea.


Hill's education began whilst doing work experience for ABC TV during high school. He then went on to study at NMCOT, Box Hill TAFE, Humourversity, Academy of TV and VCA Drama School.
Hill completed his film studies at Footscray Film Dept., being the first to obtain the Advanced Diploma of the Screen.


Hill began to experiment with film-making by creating home movies that focused on the horror genre.
His first full-length film, The Hidden, was created when he was 19 years old. Made with local friends, the movie was based on Hill's social context of the time – being the relationship between the developmental stages of adolescence and identity formation with the pull to experimentation and drug taking. Issues around the dealership of drugs, making gain from those vulnerable, as well as themes relating to power and delusion.
Hill has gone on to have a successful acting career with lead roles in over twelve feature films.
